So everyone, since I haven't posted an HNT in FOREVER.... I decided to post a lovely picture of my post christmas belly. Now, I really didn't pig out over Christmas, but I've been sick for two weeks and I haven't been to the gym in about a month now. So, I feel sooo lazy and bloated. I recently decided to try the relationship thing, (yeah I know... WHAT AM I THINKING?) so being sick really sucks. I feel so un-sexy!!!! Is that a word? Anyway, I feel like shit and I'm extrememly self consious of my snotty nose, heavy breathing through mouth which causes chapped lips and phlelgm inducing cough which makes me feel like my breath is like
draculas. Not to mention... bad skin & cloudy tired eyes.
Thank goodness the guy I'm seeing has been sick also
I can't wait to get well, then I hope I'll get to the gym,
do my yoga and start on a new year.
Any New Years resolutions out there

I think I'm going to quit my job soon.
Most of you know how much I hate it.
I'm just too chicken shit to actually do it.
I hate to leave someone hanging.
But, as someone told me today...
I am what matters.
And if my health is directly effected by my job,
mental and physical,
then I need to look out for myself.
He asked me what I wanted to do.
And I couldn't answer.
Why at 33 do I not know what I want to do?
Okay, that was quite the tangent. I hope everyone has a great New Years. I'll be working, once again.
I am going to make the New Year count.