We had a very snowy weekend. I took these pictures Saturday night, and on Sunday morning. It was the first real snow of the season. It has snowed before this year, but this was the first beautiful snow that fell for hours on end and put a hush on the world here. Saturday night when I got home, I just stood outside my apt and listened to how silent the night was. It was very neat. I really didn't do much this weekend. Worked mostly. Friday I fought with my boyfriend via text most of the day. I know, very stupid. Then we made up (sort of) later on that night, then instead of going home to bed (like I said), I decided to go see friends at another bar and have one more drink before I went home. When I left my boyfriend, I had every intention of going home, but on the way home I decided to have another drink. I was happy, I was in a great mood, we had made up! Needless to say, it looked like I lied to him when he tried to come by my house later on that night, and I wasn't home. He came out to the bar, and of

course I was
having a total blast. He was a little miffed. He left. It was so weird, I felt like he was checking up on me. I've never had that happen. He said later, that he was coming to hang out, but when he got there, he just got irritated because he thought I lied about going home. Well, I can see where it would look like that, and putting myself in his shoes, I would of felt the same way. But, I'm not that type of person. I would never do that. Anyway, long story short.... he called at 8am to say we needed to talk. So, I cancelled lunch plans with Weed and called him back and said I was free after 11. Better late than never. He came over around lunch, and basically said he thought I lied and I said I didn't. And, then we started to talk about how many red flags we have already in

our relationship. I said do we have enough red flags to show that we weren't meant to be together? Then we talked a bit more. Sometime in the conversation, he said, "we are just better being friends". I said okay. Because I know it's true. Then he left, no kiss no hug. Then, after he left he called back to ask me to lunch the next day. I said sure, I'd call him after I got off work. I thought it strange, aren't we supposed to be friends now? But, we can do lunch as friends. On the way to work, he called to tell me to be careful when I go to work, and to call him when I get home from work. Then I got a text talking about how horny this weather makes him and asked if I had any suggestions. Weird, once again, didn't he say we were better off as friends

? I wanted to text back "get a girlfriend", but I just didn't reply. Sunday he calls, and just made misc small talk and I said I'd call him when I got off work. Then I got a text around 12, saying he cancelled lunch and asked for a rain check. I texted back "k". After work, I went home took a mini siesta and then went to my parents for supper. During my nap, he called and wanted to know what I was up to. I didn't call him back, I just turned off my phone. It's been off ever since. I just really don't want to talk to him. Not because I'm mad at him, but I just don't want to talk to him. I'm going to have to do the task of actually breaking up, I just am avoiding it. Ugh! Yuck! You know on Saturday when he said "we are better off just being friends" I felt such relief. Yeah! But, then after he left and I was just hanging out at my house I started to get sad and that confused me. Then, I started to think of him with another girl, and I got jealous.
These are the feelings that I don't like. The mixed up feelings you get that aren't what you normally feel. That's why I think it's easier to just stay single. I'm mad at myself for feeling them, because I don't really like this guy that much. The feelings just stem from my own insecurities. I don't like to be reminded that I have them. I do, and I have a lot of them. Yuck! Anyway, sorry to bore you all with my detail of the weekend, I was just talking it all out. I hope everyone else had a great weekend!
I got up at 5:30 this morning to do my yoga DVD before work, and I'm still sitting at the computer drinking coffee at 6:45. LOL, now I have to get ready for work.
Hey, but at least I said hi to you!
Guys are certainly a weird group, aren't we? Why should it be any different for you to go out and have a drink than it would be for him to do the same? Definitely sounds like "friends" is a better way to go. Now you just need to beat that concept into him!
emotions are a strange thing. even being married doesn't stop the this shit from happening... it's just a lot harder to break up.
btw, love the photographs. you always take great pics. i still remember the beach/tree one some time back. loved that one too!
If you felt relief when you both said your better off friends thats a big sign hun. Being sad will fade, trust me.
Miss talking to ya ;P
I have the best bunch of Blogger friends ever!!!! Thanks you guys for always being here and making me feel better.
I'm just glad your single again! whoot! Wanna be my girlfriend??
PLUS, no more cancelled luncheons onna count of dick...uh....at least for you anyway! lol
weed said "dick"....
You said it Obasso. In the end we don't nderstand our own hearts, thy definatly don't bother letting our heads know what thier up too. Emotions can be scary because we don't have any control over them and how they make us feel.
Sorry your feeling confused Lisa. I hope that you perk up soon. We'll be here for ya if you need to talk. Peace.
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