Thursday, October 12, 2006

National Breast Awareness Month

Hello everyone! In honor of National Breast Awareness Month, I thought I'd post one of my favorite pictures of my boobies again.

Now, I know I bitch about the torture of the contraption we women call a fucking bra, and men call over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Every women does, but... I have to say that I am so glad that I have healthy breast to put in to a bra. My grandmother on my fathers side had breast cancer and ended up dying from it, and my aunt on my mothers side has always had issues with her breast. I remember when I was young coming across my grandmothers foam boob inserts, and looking at them with a young girls wonder. I was in sixth grade when she passed away, and I really don't remember if I had started to develop my breast at that time, but I remember not understanding why it was such a big deal to my grandmother to have the foam inserts in her bra. They weren't that big anyway, it's not like they gave her gigantic boobs. LOL. I remember first there being one insert, and then there being two inserts and then they were gone. I believe, if I remember correctly, I asked my Aunt Kim one time were they were and she said grandmother (that's what she insisted on being called) didn't need them anymore. Now my grandmother was a very classy lady, always perfectly coifed and dressed. Very regal all the time. God forbid if she didn't look impeccable 24/7. It must of broke her heart to not have her breast, her womanhood. I can't imagine what it would of felt like for her on that one day when she decided not to put a bra on and the inserts in.

I am 33, and I have my breasts.

Now they aren't perfect by any means, and Weed and I always talk about getting boob jobs,

but I have them and I am sooo thankful for that.


Osbasso said...

Excellent post. I'm fortunate enough that no one in my family has been affected. I can't imagine what it would be like for a family with a history of it. Thanks for the personal look at it. Hope that you never have to face it yourself!

The Lone Rangers said...

I'm sorry about your grandmother hun! Please don't get a boob job! Yours are perfect because they're yours....

Missed ya!

mgc said...

thank you for the awareness and it is definately something that every women needs to be concerned with.

btw... which one's chocolate?

Lisa said...

the one on your left is great with chocolate, mgc

Tumbleweed said...

You are such a smokin bitch! I'm so proud of could have had some serious beads....just sayin. :)
Sorry I missed this last Thursday!! Have a great week sweetie.

mgc said...

thanks, i will remember that the next time i get to kansas.

Anonymous said...

Very nice sweetie.

Azathoth100 said...

First of all, welcome back. You had me worried there. It's not easy finding good peoples here on the blog and every time I do they seem to leave.
s for the breastessess, the cancer thing runs through my family too and my sis is the one that is shaking about it these days. Can't picture how hard it must be to go through. As for your breasts, they look just fine to me sweetie.

Lisa said...

thanks everyone! I was surprised at how much emotion I felt when I posted this particular post. I feel very liberated for actually posting a real life picture of my breast. But, I think I've accomplished what I wanted to say & express, and I'm taking down the naked picture. It's a little more open than I feel comfortable with being with complete strangers. Not that I consider my friends who live with me in Blog Land strangers, but we all know there are freaks that are out there that happen upon our wonderful blogs from now and then. I hope everyone got a good look while they could! Who knows when it might happen again!!!!!!!!!!