Tuesday, November 13, 2007

botox reject

I was looking at my picture. and seriously?
my lips look freaky.
like too much botox or something.
is that even how you spell that word?
new picture coming soon.

oh, and I'm considering saving up for some plastic surgery next year.
things on the list:
1. boobs
2. Buddha
3. wings
4. back fat

this will all be after I reached my goal weight of course.
that's what my friend said, who has done plenty of it.
"get to the goal weight first and then do it."
it makes all the difference.

anyway, just another random day in my life
Oh wait,
I was actually attracted to a cute boy at the bar tonight who turned out to be married to my friend's sister. Nice, I know.
I've done it before. But not into it anymore.
the luck.
Night everyone.


SoCal Sal said...

Looking forward to the new pic hot stuff!

Azathoth100 said...

Always nice to see a new pic, although I don't think there's anything wrong with your lips in this one.
Plastic eh? Which are you doing first? And why would you want plastic wings put on you? Will they actually let you fly? That would be cool!

Lisa said...

That's what I'm hoping Az!

Thanks Sal!