Friday, January 26, 2007

Moving again.... yes again!

I'm moving to a new apt this weekend.
So I don't know when my internet will be set up again.
I won't have to pay rent.
But, I have to actually move.
I've got to get motivated. More Coffee.

See you soon


Tumbleweed said...

Just when you finally get your shit working!

Text me when the puter is up so I can install that shit I have for you!

Also, if you need more help me, I will be dirty Saturday anyway! lol

Tumbleweed said...

look! See who comments when they visit? huh? huh?

Azathoth100 said...

Enjoy the trip, even if it's a short one. We'll be here waiting till you get back.

Azathoth100 said...

Enjoy the trip, even if it's a short one. We'll be here waiting till you get back.

Tumbleweed said...

I know your internet is post already!

mgc said...

where are you?

mgc said...

wtf, did you freeze to death? i am going through withdrawals! i need my lisa fix. where the hell are you?

Tumbleweed said...

Hello? blog much?

mgc said...

yeah! hello? blog much?

what weed said!

weed you really tumble!

lee, can't you find a way to have sex and blog? i know i wouldn't mind... sort of like having sex and watching the superbowl or something.

Tumbleweed said...

wow, you have been moving for months now!

mgc said...

are you dead?


