Saturday, June 10, 2006

A little bit more of me..........


Tonight I get off work early, it's dead at the bar, and I start to take pictures so I can post them here. I want everyone in "blog land" to see where I work and who I work with so they can get a better sense of me. As I'm taking the pictures, someone asks me if these are my goodbye pictures. No, I reply, they are for my blog. He asked me for the site, I said which one? The erotic one or the other one. Totally joking and really not thinking he would even be interested in either. He said, both. I said no way. I can't do that. He asked why. I just kinda grinned and walked away, did my shot & took a swig of beer. I didn't know how to handle that. So I, being the girl I can be (damn it), totally ignored it and prayed he would forget it. He kept on asking about it every time he could. I finally asked which blog he wanted the address to. He said both or at least the personal one, if need be he said, there's got to be a way to get to the other one through it. That made me cringe. I blushed and said, no way... Especially not now. Because there is a way, and I can't have someone reading that shit, and coming to work the next night with me. Something about that just unnerves me. Not about him as a person reading it, I think he's extremely cool, it was about someone on the other end knowing who I was personally as I wrote it. He was persistent. As much as to put a pen and paper in front of me, and bang on it to "get his point across". I felt really weird about giving him it. I told him no again, and said it was personal. He said, but you can share with strangers? It's on the internet for Christ sakes, he said. True, but.... They don't know who I really am. Is this a weird feeling to have? I told him that I liked the fact that no one really knows who I am. Even though I'm being completely honest, you don't really know me. So it's so wide open. Does that make sense?
Or, is that 2nd shot of crown really kicking in?
I'm not sure if I should tell him or not. I know it's not a big deal to you, but to me, it is. Or at least, it's confusing.

FYI - I haven't slept with him. We've flirted pretty heavily. But, he's got too much baggage and a girlfriend to boot. He's a complex individual. You know, the one that you want to get inside of, but know you shouldn't touch it because it's a heartache waiting to happen.
But, your very flattered that he would even be interested.

promise to post the new pictures and profile tomorrow


Tumbleweed said...

DO NOT GIVE IT TO HIM!! Just tell him it's your online diary. Trust me, I won't ever regret you knowing mine, but I do regret another friend knowing it since she has turned into a 2 faced, backstabbing whore that has slept with more guys since she has been married than I have total in my life. Oops....was I venting? Anyway, the fewer people that know in the real world...the better. Do you think I would take those kind of pictures if people here knew about my blog??

Lisa said...

very true. I agree. he's not getting it. I'm sorry about your other friend. She sucks!!!!! All your secrets are safe with me. Love ya

Tumbleweed said...